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Chipping Program

Each year, dependent upon funding and sufficient volunteer support, Friends of Banner Mountain (FBM) provides a neighborhood chipping program on a first come/first serve basis as a members-only benefit. FBM has committed a maximum of $3,000 to assist Banner Mountain neighborhoods. This is a coordinated neighborhood chipping program – not for an individual home. 

How to Sign Up for the Neighborhood Chipping Program – A designated neighborhood leader is required as the contact for the neighborhood.  The neighborhood leader will be responsible for contacting neighbors to determine interest and how much debris needs to be chipped; filling out the form to identify names and addresses of each residence; providing a map with locations of piles to be chipped; ensuring that all piles meet the chipping requirements; and being willing to be the primary contact for the neighborhood.  A minimum of three residences are required to be considered for the chipping program.   (See form at the end of this page to be completed by neighborhood leader.)    
FBM will collect neighborhood forms and maps of addresses and location of the piles, review the piles on the ground and submit this information to the chipping vendor. The FBM Coordinator will contact each neighborhood leader either by email or by phone to share additional information.  FBM is budgeting a maximum of 2 hours of chipping per neighborhood.  Therefore, it will benefit the neighborhood to combine their piles into a few locations to ensure efficiency. This program is designed to assist as many neighborhoods as possible and as efficiently and effectively as possible. 

FSC Chipping requirements: 

  • All small trees/branches must be placed in piles with stems parallel. 

  • Trees/branches should be no more than 5 feet from the street or chipper access – and
    perpendicular to the street, with the largest ends toward the street. 

  • Nothing larger than 8 inches in diameter can be chipped and branches/trunks need to be
    at least 3 feet in length – longer is better. 

  • No pine needles, leaves or pine cones in piles. Piles should not obstruct passage along
    the roadways.  

  • Poison oak, Blackberries, Scotch (or other types) of Broom, vines, anything with
    thorns, decaying wood, root balls, and construction debris are not permitted. 

  • Piles should not be higher than 4 feet. The material chipped will be blown back onto the
    property where the trees/brush were stacked. 

  • For safety reasons, chipper and crew cannot obstruct traffic on busy roads such as
    Banner Lava Cap.  Piles will need to be placed elsewhere for safe chipping.

  • There needs to be adequate room for the tow-behind chipper to turn around.  


Thanks for your help in making the Banner Mountain area more fire safe!


Here are the downloadable forms for the Chipping Program – These are to be filled out by the Neighborhood Leader.
MS Word
Macintosh Pages
Rich Text Format

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